BERG Orchestra: NIPPON

Concert | Studio Hrdinů

… Japanese Traditions and Inspirations

Naoko Kikuchi. Akihito Obama, Jakub Tylman, BERG Orchestra (dir. Peter Vrábel)

The concert will bring together several Japanese phenomena. In the past, silent films were accompanied by the musical speech of benshi narrators. In a new composition by Jonáš Starý (*1995), the role of the benshi will be taken over by the Japanese shakuhachi flute. There will also be music by Noriko Baba, a Japanese composer living in France, and Japanese composer Toshio Hosokawa with soloist Naoko Kikuchi.

Au clair d’un croissant, 19’
Comp. Noriko Baba
BERG Orchestra (dir. Peter Vrábel)
Czech Premiere

Somon-ka, 相聞歌, 21′
Comp. Toshio Hosokawa (2001-2002)
Naoko Kikuchi (voice, koto), Jakub Tylman (violoncello), BERG Orchestra (dir. Peter Vrábel)
European Premiere


[World Premiere], 25’
Comp. Jan Jonáš Starý
Akihito Obama (shakuhachi), BERG Orchestra (dir. Peter Vrábel)
World Premiere