Tickets sale open!

We are excited to unveil the festival programme!

For our dear visitors we prepared 9 concerts, 22 shakuhachi workshops, 9 study groups for koto and  shakuhachi, and an absolute beginner program!

About Learning at ISFP 2025

Outstanding performers on the shakuhachi and the koto come to Prague to teach! Find the festival schedule here. Learning at ISFP is structured into three formats: Shakuhachi WorkshopsStudy Groups (shakuhachi, koto) and Absolute Beginner Courses (ABC, shakuhachi, koto). All teaching is conducted in English.

Shakuhachi Workshops

Shakuhachi Workshops can be purchased in BUNDLE Shakuhachi workshops + Concert PASS (formerly Festival SUPERPass), Shakuhachi Workshop PASS, and individually 500 CZK per workshop on the spot. There are 22 workshops scheduled. Each workshop lasts 60 minutes, has unlimited capacity, and takes place in HAMU – Respirium (see Program). List of workshop leaders: John Kaizan NeptuneMiroslav SrnkaGunnar Jinmei LinderKizan KawamuraAkihisa KominatoKenichi TajimaReison KurodaDietmar Ippu HerrigerAaro Senzui HaavistoMarek Kimei Matvija

Koto Study Groups

Koto Study Groups can be purchased in BUNDLE Koto Study groups + Concert PASSKoto Study Groups PASS, or individually online. There are three koto study groups available (HomuraSue no ChigiriIn the Air and other pieces for koto and shakuhachi by JKN) led by Naoko Kikuchi. Each study group has a limited capacity of 7 students, and 300 – 360 minutes dedicated teaching time.

Shakuhachi Study Groups

Shakuhachi Study Groups can be purchased individually online. Each study group has a limited capacity of 4 – 5 students, and 300 – 360 minutes dedicated teaching time. There are six shakuhachi study groups available: Oushu SashiEsashi OiwakeShika no ToneShouganken ReiboIn the Air and other pieces for shakuhachi and koto by JKNSue no Chigiri.

Absolute Beginner Courses (ABC)

Absolute Beginner Courses (ABC, shakuhachi, koto) can be purchased in ABC Absolute Beginner Course + Concert PASS online. The student capacity is 7.

Individual lessons

Individual lessons can be arranged between a festival guest and festival participant (holders of Concert PASS, ABC PASS, and Study Group participants) in their free time. If possible, the festival will provide a teaching space free of charge.