Sue no Chigiri (末の契, shakuhachi)


Study group for intermediate to advanced shakuhachi players

Jiuta sōkyoku for koto, shakuhachi, and shamisen composed by Matsuura Kengyō

This study group will be led by Gunnar Jinmei Linder, master shakuhachi player of the Chikumeisha, professor at Stockholm University, and jiuta scholar. Naoko Kikuchi and her students will be guest performers of this piece. Kikuchi will lead her students parallel to the shakuhachi class led by Gunnar Jinmei Linder in a nearby room. The teachers can combine the two classes as they will see fit. Koto and shakuhachi students will be able to practice and perform together.
You can listen the piece on Youtube:

Learn more about the piece:

The study group will be conducted in English. The recommended student level is intermediate to advanced. The capacity of this study group is 5 students.
Capacity: 5 students
Cost: 4000 CZK
Time allocation: 2x 120′, 1x 60′

Link to the current teaching plan and schedule: COMING SOON